[Updated July 21, 2024]

We dance in the Orchard Pavilion at the Sunnyvale Recreation Center's Senior Center, 550 E. Remington Drive, Sunnyvale
Red arrow on map below

July 22 and July 29:
I will be at an international folk dance camp in Stockton the last two weeks of July, and I have asked Latishya to cover the Monday session for me. When she decides what she's going to teach, I'll let you know.

Latishya plans to teach:

Ya Rayah יא ריה (The Gypsy [in Arabic]), a circle dance from 2000 by Gadi Biton. Lyrics by Dahmane El-harrachi, sung by Rachid Taha.

Kol Yom Mechadash כל יום מחדש (Every day again), a new couple dance by Gadi Biton. The song is sung by Gidi Gov and Idan Reichel. Lyrics are here.

August 5
I will be returning from two weeks away and am reluctant to start new dances without some preparation time. So -- ANOTHER dance party!

August 12 and 19
New dances, or maybe a revival of some old favorites. Any ideas? Suggestions? Preferences?

General information


ATTENDANCE -- Varies from 70-90; 60% women, 40% men; 60% Israelis, 40% American Jews and non-Jews. Average age 50-ish; age range 30-80.

SNACKS -- Coffee, tea, lemonaide in the summer. Cookies, halva, popcorn. Sometimes seasonal treats like sufganiyot, fejoia, figs.

Want to see what has been taught in the past? Thank you to Lee Richardson who has been keeping track since 2012!

Here's a typical playlist. I post these lists once every six weeks or so. If the list gets old, just email me and let me know.

If you have further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me!