Get Your Hands Off That Mouse! - THE SEQUEL
by Loui Tucker
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As I wrote in my last article, if you want to work more efficiently and get more work done in less time – get your hands off that mouse! Any time your hand leaves your keyboard, you are probably wasting time. In addition, there are many keyboard shortcuts you should probably add to your bag of tricks.
Here is a short list of keyboard shortcuts.
- If you’re in any window (such as File Open) – Tab moves you from one field to the next more or less clockwise. Shift+Tab moves you from field to field moving counter-clockwise.
- If you are in a table in either Word or Word Perfect, and you want to type tab while inside the table cell, you should already know you cannot actually press the Tab key, because that will move you to the next cell. If you want to type a tab, use Control+Tab.
- If you tap the Alt key on your keyboard in any program and watch the Menu bar, one of the letters of each word will become underlined. If you press that key, it will pull open that menu. For example, Alt+F opens the File menu. Then you can press the key of any underlined letter on that menu to open that menu selection. A full example in Word or Word Perfect would be Alt+E+S will get you Edit-Paste Special.
- Standard line-spacing shortcuts on the most current versions of Word and Word Perfect are Control+1 for single spacing and Control+2 for single spacing.
- Browsing the Web? Want to get back to your Home page quickly? Alt+Home
- Stop typing in “http:\\www......” etc. If you just type the words BETWEEN the “www” and the “com” and press [Ctrl]+[Enter], your web browser will fill the rest. In other words, just press Alt+D to move to the Address window, type “yahoo” and press Control+Enter and you will go to “”. If you’re using Firefox, Control+Shift+Enter does the same thing for “org” websites, and Shift+Enter does it for “net” websites. And if you have no idea what I’m referring by “Firefox” – contact me!
- Another Firefox tip: If the print is too small to read in your web browser, Control+plus sign will make the printer bigger.
and Tricks by Loui Tucker
Supporting Word Perfect, Word, Timeslips, Abacus, TimeMatters
and many other software packages used in today's law offices.
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