THE NEXT PICKUP IS Saturday, March 19
Click here to see a list of the types of things you're likely to see during the cleanup
Click here to see photos of some of the odd things we've picked up
PHOTOGRAPHIC PROOF that some people are lazy, irresponsible, inconsiderate slobs! The reason we have trash on our highways is because there are some people who think the entire world is their trash can.
We are officially part of the California Adopt-A-Highway program.
Areas we usually clean: As of April 10, 2021, we have adopted a new section of the local highways: Highway 101 southbound between Capitol Expressway and Yerba Buena Road. It's about 3/4 of a mile in length, but wide and flat for almost all of it.
Our assigned area used to be the north side of Hwy 280 between the Meridian Avenue and Saratoga Avenue. Sometimes we also work on the Meridian-Southwest-Expressway interchange. We also try to keep Moorpark and Parkmoor between Bascom and Leigh clean because they are de fact on-ramps and off-ramps in this area. We also cleaned The Alameda exit on northbound Highway 880. Our permit to clean this area was pulled in January 2021, after 16 years. If you really want to know the gruesome details about how and why and who, email me and I'll share that information. We are now cleaning a section of 101 SB in South San Jose.
When do we meet and how long to we work: We will meet at 9:00 AM and get to worksites by 9:15 AM or so. [Please don't be late.] We work until about 12:30. After the work shift, all participants are welcome to come to the Round Table Pizza Parlor on Bascom near Denny's - my treat!
Who can participate: You must at least 16 years old to work on the highways in California. If you are under 18, you must have a Consent to Participate signed by a parent or guardian. Click Here Print out that page, get it signed, and you can work on a crew. If you do not bring a consent form, I cannot allow you on a work crew.
Supplies: Each volunteer receives a bright yellow safety vest that says ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY on it, a hard hat, gloves, goggles, a pick-up stick, and a supply of big trash bags. If you have your own work gloves, please bring them. The ones that are supplied will keep your hands clean, but are not a very good defense against the burrs and thorns.
What to wear: Wear clothing and shoes that you don't care about getting dirty. You must wear long pants and a shirt with long sleeves. If you're working in the late spring or summer, you might want to bring along a cooler tshirt or even shorts to change into after the cleanup. DO NOT bring mp3 players or ipods to listen to while you work. You must be able to hear the traffic and any alerts and warnings from fellow workers, etc. Likewise, your cell phone must stay in your pocket while you're working -- no texting and no talking except in an emergency!
The meeting place: We gather at 9:00 AM in the parking lot near the Denny's restaurant in the shopping center west of the corner of McLaughlin and Capitol Expressway. Please be on time! We will be gone by 9:15, so please don't be late!
What to do now: Email me at and let me know you're coming to help. That way I can plan how many of the supplies to bring and how to organize the work crews. It is very sad when I have to turn people away because I don't have vest, grippers and bags for everyone.
Thanks in advance.
Loui Tucker
408-287-9999 or 408-771-4542