I have been dancing since early childhood. I am particularly devoted to international folk dance and the dances of Israel. I am also on the Board of several dance-related organizations and I manage several dance-related websites. IF YOU ARE VISITING, OR HAVE NOT ATTENDED FOR A WHILE, please email me to be sure any class below is meeting.


Monday - We dance in the Senior Center's Orchard Pavilion at the Recreation Center in Sunnyvale.

Tuesday - Israeli folk dance for beginning dancers at Temple Emanu-El in San Jose is the first and third Tuesdays of each month. If there is a fifth Tuesday, we dance that night too. Masks are optional.

Wednesday - The Israeli Couples Repertoire class emphasizes review and reinforcement of couple dances in the repertoire. We dance at Murphy Park in Sunnyvale on the second and fourth Wednesdays each month. Masks are optional.

Thursday - International folk dance, indoors in the Social Hall at St. Michael's Church.

WARNING: If you're coming from another country, or another part of the U.S., be aware that California is a BIG state. If it were laid out east-west instead of north-south, it would be wider than two time zones. If you don't want to check a map, at least check the ZIP CODE of the place where you'll be staying. The S.F. Bay Area zip codes start with 94000 and continue into the low 951's. Zip codes 95200 and higher are over an hour away. If the zip code starts with 90, 91, 92 or 93, or is higher than 95300 - forget it! You won't be carpooling to dancing.

LINKS TO OTHER DANCE-RELATED WEBSITES - International folk dance classes and events in the San Francisco Bay Area. - an interactive map showing where to do international folk dancing in the San Francisco Bay area. - Let's Dance! magazine, Northern California magazine about international folk dance. - Links to websites around the country that offer information about international folk dance. - A database of the Israeli folk dance repertoire, including information about the singer, lyricist and composer of the song. - If you're interested in the words to the songs you're listening to, or want to know who the singer is or or the composer or the lyricist


Dozens of articles about dancing that I have written over 40 years that have appeared in various dance-related magazines and newsletters.


I maintain an extensive library of historical documents, newsletters, dance notations, lyrics to songs, as well as music. The collection is focused on Israeli music and dance because that's my specialty, but my library of international materials is also very large. If you are looking for something, contact me. If I don't have it, I have contact with others who might.

International dance descriptions - Maintained by the Folk Dance Federation of California

Stockton Folk Dance Camp syllabi - 70+ years of syllabi

National Folk Organization - Links to a dozen more website with written dance descriptions


SF Bay Area
Aaron Alpert and Latishya Steele - Palo Alto - Thursday night
Bronwyn Eisenberg -- San Rafael -- Tuesday afternoon
Alan Rothchild - Santa Cruz - Tuesday nights
Cafe Simcha - Kensington - Wednesday nights
Udy Gold - Los Gatos JCC - Wednesday nights (beginners).
Udy Gold - San Francisco - Saturday nights once a month and Tuesdays once a week
Bronwyn Eisenberg -- Foster City -- Sunday afternoon
Yoram Ben Barak and Bronwyn Eisenberg -- Mt. View - Sunday nights

United States
Phil Moss - Chicago
Peggy Elimelech - Miami

Outside of the U.S.
Nona Malki - Vancouver
Roberto Haddon - England
Les Posen - Australia/New Zealand
Matti Goldschmidt - Austria/Germany